Sunday, 13 April 2014

Update Butterfly Wood 8 and Permin Sampler 3


So I got up early today. Girl1 was awake and was enjoying herself tremendously in the big bed of daddy and Liesbeth but we weren't too happy about that LOL. So now I am downstairs with her, watching children's tv. Daddy's still in bed. Lucky him haha.

Children's tv is kind of boring so this is the perfect time to upload my pictures and write a blog post!

First: Butterfly Wood. I finished the first 4 pages...
and started the next one:

The Permin Sampler has been calling my name often. It is hard to put it away after my weekly Stitch 'n Bitch night!!

That's it for now! Enjoy this Sunday (the weather here is looking lovely!) and see you next time!